Java Developer

Bookshelf Project

As someone who enjoys reading books in my free time, but doesn’t always have the best memory for what I’ve read, I have become someone who tracks a lot of my reading. I have tried keeping physical notes in notebooks and on various websites, so I’m in the process of creating a web application that will give me the reading statistics I’m interested in and provide a place to keep my notes together.

Some motivations for creating this project include Ryan Holiday’s Note Taking System and Taking Book Notes (How to Start) by Tiago Forte.

Source Code

oneexists/Bookshelf - GitHub


Register for an Account and Login



View Books on Bookshelf


View Book

Add New Books and Edit Existing Books

Add Book

Edit Book

Track Reading by Adding and Editing Reading Logs

Add Reading Activity

Edit Reading Activity

Languages, Frameworks, Technologies

  • Java Spring
    • Spring Data JPA (Hibernate)
    • JJWT
    • Spring Data REST
    • Spring Security
  • MySQL database
  • JUnit Jupiter and Mockito testing
  • React
    • React Router v6
    • styled-components
  • Bootstrap 5
  • CSS3
    • modular CSS
  • HTML5



  • RESTful API with JWT web token authentication
  • Login/logout and account registration
    • Username length of 3-100 characters
    • Password validation: 8 character length with at least one letter, one digit and one special character
  • Add, edit and delete books
  • Add, edit and delete a book’s reading activity


User Interface

  • React front-end interface
  • Bootstrap/CSS styling
  • utilize a card layout for books on bookshelf

User Experience

  • follow WAI-ARIA specification to increase accessibility
    • allows for screen reader and keyboard navigation
    • assertive error display on forms to notify screen readers
    • provides descriptions of form field requirements
  • standardize custom components such as form input/submission and button formatting